Apple Reference & Presen…rary 8 (Internal Edition)
Apple R&P Lib Internal v8.0.iso
5-Fonts & Software
Adobe Illustrator® 3.0
Riders Folder
Adobe Illustrator EPSF Riders
Text File
191 lines
%!AI3_Riders % signature (do not remove this line)
% Modifications to this file should be performed only by those users who are fluent in
% the PostScript® language. If you are not an experienced PostScript language
% user, you should not modify this file. If you use this file, place it in the folder
% with the Adobe Illustrator® application. If you are not using this file, do not place
% it in the folder with the Adobe Illustrator application because the EPSF Riders
% file can slow down the program's performance.
% This file shows how to insert custom PostScript language code into
% four different sections of an Adobe Illustrator document.
% What you put between lines beginning with double comments '%%' will
% be inserted into the file. The inserted lines will be bracketed between
% %AI3BeginRider and %AI3EndRider comments. The Adobe Illustrator program will know to
% ignore sections of the file bracketed within these comments when reading
% a file that contains riders.
% This file contains an error handler and several sample PostScript language
% code fragments to set the default flatness, screen frequency, and screen
% angle of your print job. It also contains a simple example of how
% you can annotate each page of your output. Except for the error
% handler, all code fragments are commented out to disable them.
% To enable a particular fragment, just remove the %• characters
% from the beginning of the line. Note that even though these code
% fragments are disabled by comments, they are still written out
% to all files with headers;therefore, you may wish to remove everything
% that you don't need from between the lines with double comments '%%'.
% Everything BETWEEN %%BeginComments and %%EndComments will be
% inserted at the end of the comments section in an Adobe Illustrator document:
%%BeginComments % do not remove this line
%%EndComments % do not remove this line
% Everything BETWEEN %%BeginProlog and %%EndProlog will be
% inserted at the end of the prolog section in an Adobe Illustrator document:
%%BeginProlog % do not remove this line
% The following statement can be used to set the default flatness for your print job. All
% objects that have a Paint Style with flatness set to 0 will use the flatness specified
% here. If this statement remains commented out, objects painted with flatness
% set to 0 will use the device default.
%•2 setflat
% The following statements can be used to set the default screen frequency and angle
% for your print job. If these statements remain commented out, then all objects will
% use the device default screen frequency and angle. Note that color printers have
% multiple screen frequencies and angles. See the PostScript Language Reference Manual -
% Second Edition for more information on using halftone screen operators for color printers.
%-- set screen frequency (halftone cells per inch)
%•currentscreen 3 -1 roll pop
%•30 % <- screen frequency
%•3 1 roll setscreen
%-- set screen angle (degrees)
%•currentscreen 3 -2 roll pop
%•30 % <- screen angle
%•3 2 roll setscreen
% The following statements can be used to define your own halftone cell spot function
% for your print job. If these statements remain commented out, all objects will
% use the device default halftone cell spot function. Note that a procedure stub
% for defining your own spot function is provided, but you need to provide an implementation
% if you intend to modify the spot function. You should not define spot functions unless
% you're an experienced PostScript language programmer.
%-- set halftone cell spot function
%•currentscreen pop
%•{} % <- halftone cell spot function must be inserted inside curly braces
% A simple procedure to print a string at the bottom of a page.
% Can be called by annotatepage (see below) if you wish.
%•/PrintX % string PrintX -
%• count 0 gt
%• {
%• dup type /stringtype eq
%• {
%• /Helvetica findfont 9 scalefont setfont
%• 36 36 moveto
%• show
%• } if
%• } if
%•} bind def
% The following procedure is called by the Adobe Illustrator prolog during the print job immediately
% before the showpage operator is executed. You may use this procedure to perform operations like
% placing a logo or other information on each page.
%•gsave initgraphics
% Insert your PostScript language code between the %=== lines below
%•(From the desk of <your name here?>) PrintX
%•} def
% The following statements define an error handler that prints out diagnostics
% on the output media if the print job fails due to a PostScript error.
% Standard Error Handler
/$brkpage 64 dict def $brkpage begin
{dup type/stringtype ne{=string cvs}if dup length 6 mul/tx exch def/ty 10 def
currentpoint/toy exch def/tox exch def 1 setgray newpath
tox toy 2 sub moveto 0 ty rlineto tx 0 rlineto 0 ty neg rlineto
closepath fill tox toy moveto 0 setgray show}bind def
/nl{currentpoint exch pop lmargin exch moveto 0 -10 rmoveto}def
/=={/cp 0 def typeprint nl}def
/typeprint{dup type exec}readonly def
/lmargin 72 def
/rmargin 72 def
{dup length cp add rmargin gt{nl/cp 0 def}if
dup length cp add/cp exch def prnt}readonly def
/cvsprint{=string cvs tprint( )tprint}readonly def
/integertype{cvsprint}readonly def
/realtype{cvsprint}readonly def
/booleantype{cvsprint}readonly def
/operatortype{(--)tprint =string cvs tprint(-- )tprint}readonly def
/marktype{pop(-mark- )tprint}readonly def
/dicttype{pop(-dictionary- )tprint}readonly def
/nulltype{pop(-null- )tprint}readonly def
/filetype{pop(-filestream- )tprint}readonly def
/savetype{pop(-savelevel- )tprint}readonly def
/fonttype{pop(-fontid- )tprint}readonly def
/nametype{dup xcheck not{(/)tprint}if cvsprint}readonly def
{dup rcheck{(\()tprint tprint(\))tprint}{pop(-string- )tprint}ifelse
}readonly def
{dup rcheck{dup xcheck
{([)tprint{typeprint}forall(])tprint}ifelse}{pop(-array- )tprint}ifelse
}readonly def
{dup rcheck{dup xcheck
{([)tprint{typeprint}forall(])tprint}ifelse}{pop(-packedarray- )tprint}ifelse
}readonly def
/courier/Courier findfont 10 scalefont def
end %$brkpage
{systemdict begin $error begin $brkpage begin newerror
{/newerror false store
vmstatus pop pop 0 ne{grestoreall}if initgraphics courier setfont
lmargin 720 moveto(ERROR: )prnt errorname prnt
nl(OFFENDING COMMAND: )prnt/command load prnt
known{nl nl(STACK:)prnt nl nl $error/ostack get aload length{==}repeat}if
systemdict/showpage get exec(%%[ Error: )print
errorname =print(; OffendingCommand: )print/command
load =print( ]%%)= flush}if end end end}
dup 0 systemdict put dup 4 $brkpage put bind readonly put
%%EndProlog % do not remove this line
% Everything BETWEEN %%BeginSetup and %%EndSetup will be
% inserted at the end of the setup section in an Adobe Illustrator document:
%%BeginSetup % do not remove this line
%%EndSetup % do not remove this line
% Everything BETWEEN %%Trailer and %%EOF will be
% inserted at the end of the trailer section in an Adobe Illustrator document:
%%Trailer % do not remove this line
%%EOF % do not remove this line